Fr. Bob Menard, OFM, and Ellen Ferrone, OFS, regional minister
Fr. Bob Menard, OFM, is the new spiritual of the Brothers and Sisters of St. Francis Region.
A familiar face up and down the East Coast, Fr. Bob is the friar-in-residence at the St. Francis Springs Prayer Center in Stoneville, NC.
He has worked with Secular Franciscans throughout his career, which began in 1967. “I’ve been engaged in the Secular Franciscan community wherever I’ve been,” he said.
He has also been involved in campus ministries at Clemson and Duke universities, the University of Georgia, Suffolk College in Boston, and Holy Name College in Washington, D.C.
“We are grateful to have Fr Bob Menard, OFM, as our Regional Spiritual Assistant. Fr. Bob has a long and rich history of working with and supporting Secular Franciscan Fraternities and brings his wisdom and guidance.
Please. welcome Fr Bob when you see him at ARG,” said Ellen Ferrone, OFS, BSSF regional minister.