Ellen Ferrone, OFS
Regional Minister

Every day is a day to be grateful for the love and generosity of our God, family, friends, and fraternity sisters and brothers.

We are in the season of gratitude and joy, which many outwardly celebrate. Times like this remind us of our baptismal call to be priest, prophet, and king, especially in the context of our seraphic father, Francis.

As a priest, Francis preached always. How do I preach? With kind words, and sincere gestures–actions that speak louder than words.

As Prophet, in Francis’s simple desire to remind the people of the Rieti Valley of the humble beginnings of Our Lord, he said to Brother John, go and make things ready to celebrate the birth of Our Lord.

How am I a prophet? Do I see the needs of others, especially those on the margins and work to end injustices?

Eight hundred years later we as Franciscans take a special joy in this celebration of the humility of Our God. Article 11 of our Rule says, “Trusting in the Father, Christ chose for himself and his mother a poor and humble life…Let the Secular Franciscans seek a proper spirit of detachment from temporal goods

by simplifying their own material needs…” let us recommit ourselves to a humble life.

As king, Francis cared for his brothers, the Poor Clares, the lepers, and the marginalized. As kings, may we all encounter and embrace those on the margins in our society.

My prayer for us all is that in this holy season, we may all live our Franciscan lives as priests, prophets, and kings.

May the Lord bless us and keep us safe.



The minister’s column is from the Winter 2023 edition of the Communio.